Original Exhibit Dates: January 5 to January 31, 2016

Our very special 50th exhibit was the result of Maureen's summer pop-up gallery in Santa Fe, NM. The six artists featured in this beautiful exhibit create high quality, unusual work with soul, and they also care deeply about the environment and its creatures. Wonderfully, Sanibel's commitment to preservation and conservation was one reason these highly regarded artists were excited about this show.

The tribal sculptures of Ron Allen wear memory skirts made of 100 objects encountered every day.

Britt Freda's paintings express her lifelong fascination and reverence for the natural world – and now her concern. Her Endangered Species series is a testament to her art and commitment to preservation.

Linda Hunsaker's work is driven by her wanderlust. Capturing images and feelings of places she has never been before is the inspiration for her quietly moving, multi-layered prints.

Geoffrey Gorman uses discarded artifacts to create fascinating creatures for his Animology Series.

Many of the animal images Rebecca Haines paints come from dreams where creatures visit her.

Teresa Neptune's painterly black and white photographs provide an elegant simplicity where one can reflect and relax - a space for the spirit to breathe.