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Lucy Dierks has the following Chinese Proverb as part of her Artist Statement: “A bird does not sing because it has an answer; it sings because it has a song.”

Dierks’ perches a little bird on each of her porcelain pieces not just for decoration, but “to encourage contemplation and conversation,” as she explains. Dierks’ signature style of ceramic artistry features unique surfaces, exquisitely detailed little birds and beautiful glazes. But Dierks’ birds are “not sweet,” as she insists; “They are wise and watchful.”

Dierks says of her work, “My pieces express my delight with nature and like nature, I want them to reflect a harmony of form, surface, and purpose. I strive to make small intimate pieces whose design and texture invite you to hold them.”

Dierks started working in clay in 1997 followed by a concentration course in ceramics at Penland School of Crafts in North Carolina in 2003. Since than her work has been featured in several galleries including Blue Spiral in Asheville. She is an annual exhibitor at the Philadelphia Museum of Art Craft Show and this year was invited into the Smithsonian Museum Craft Show. Dierks lives and works in Norfolk, Virginia.


♦️ Indicates Sold


These Birdware pieces may already have found homes. BUT there is always a new flock of Lucy’s “wise and watchful” birds at the gallery, so give us a call or click here to submit a request for information | PRICES RANGE FROM $95-$325