Glassblower John Geci combines caning, an old Venetian technique, with beautifully clear, vibrant colors to create his contemporary pieces.

“Glass is often described as a super-cooled liquid, but I prefer to think of it as static motion. I try to design pieces that retain the organic character of their molten state. Using primarily transparent colors and a few well-placed stripes, my pieces highlight the material’s transparency, fluidity and potential for brilliant coloration. Rather than making works that demand to be center stage, I envision my pieces as quiet assistants—subtly enhancing the environments they are placed in.”

As a student at Penland School of Crafts (Bakersville, NC) and a studio assistant to local glassblowers, Geci learned diverse techniques, and in 2001, he developed his own line of glassware when he was awarded the first-ever glass residency at the EnergyXchange, an innovative small business incubator emphasizing sustainability.

Geci is an active member of Western North Carolina's glass community, and is the chairperson of the glass jury at the EnergyXchange, a member of the Toe River Arts Council and a regular exhibitor at craft shows across the U.S.


Blue on Blue Blown Glass from John Geci’s studio in North Carolina arrived this week. Geci’s wonderful color sense, imagination and Venetian glass techniques combine to create sparkling layered vases, bottles, bowls and orbs. His round flat bottles are called Lecca Lecca bottles - lollipop in Italian. In his own words: “With my work I try to have each form serve as a canvas to display the inherent beauty and simple elegance of the glass.”